Audit Trail

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I figured that the only way to survive was to feel happy. Act happy, feel happy.

Perhaps i can infect the seniors to be happy.
Then perhaps i will really feel happy. So I became this really happy kid on my first engagement.

I didnt count on their depression to get to me first.

And then i realised that i've never missed my friends' warm smiles this much before.

I guess the people around you really matters.

Doing Audit has its perks. We get to go for lunch at more flexible timing, we get some respect from foreigners who come from places where auditors are rather well respected.

I'm lucky. Really.
Got a couple of engagements that are rather huge (That's what the seniors tell me). I'm lucky.
As far as I'm concerned, as long as I get lovely welfares, I'm not complaining..

Tiring as it is, I guess I'm beginning to enjoy work!