Audit Trail

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The client's access card reader flashed 00:00.

12 midnight.

Not just any 12 midnight.

My birthday.

We've all come to the point whereby we agree that working midnight is nothing.
No, we do it all the time.

"All the time", can sometimes sum up to a whole lot of depression.

Depression is something that leads to the high turnover rate of the seniors.

And when that happens, the jobs get passed to the assistants.

And when that happens, assistants quit.

Which leads to more depression.

On a lighter note, Dinner and Dance is finally over!

No, I didnt win that plasma TV.

Sometimes you cant help but wonder what else there is to look forward to.

Dont get me wrong, audit is EASY.

Audit ( A.U.D.I.T ) Is Easy

Auditors are actually very good-natured people. They love nature. They always try to find out the "NATURE" of the accounts
Everyday, they would ask themselves the "NATURE" of various types of accounts
I have always wondered why auditors work overtime. Are the jobs so difficult?? Or are they simply inefficient??
The Truth is, auditing is Easy, so they must be really Inefficient.
Here's the PROOF.

Audit Assistant
All U Do Is Tick (A.U.D.I.T)
What so difficult??
Ticking should be done without sighting to any documents. Why??
We all should trust one another, right?? How can we take clients in the first place if we don't trust them??
An assistant should be given good appraisal for high valued tick.
They should be paid at least 50% of the ticked value for the risks that they are taking.

Audit Senior
All U Do Is Teach (A.U.D.I.T)
What so difficult??
Anybody can teach anybody to tick! Wonder why there are so many of them hanging around in office after midnight??
Is the laptop monitor more interesting than the television at home??

Audit Supervisor
All U Do Is Throw (A.U.D.I.T)
What so difficult??
All the supervisor has to do is make phone calls only. Simply by delegating "ALL" sections to the seniors & assistants.
In order to meet deadlines, all he has to do is call up the client's place & ask them how is the progress. This will frighten them &
speed up the ticking process.
Better still, call up & tell them, "Em, maybe later I may be coming down" when in fact he is going home for dinner
& never shows up.

Audit Manager
All U Do Is Tidy (A.U.D.I.T)
What so difficult??
Mainly, their only tedious area is having to sign off every working paper.
So I suggest they use paper stamps which has their intials & date. This cost only $10!!
Other than this, their job is to ensure that re-inforcement rings are placed on every piece of paper so that nothing comes out.
What so difficult??
I never understand why they say "Urgent! Urgent!" everyday. If its so "Urgent" why don't they go to the toilet??

Audit Partner
All U Do Is Talk (A.U.D.I.T)
What so difficult??
There are only one question they will ask. Can I sign the accounts?
The answer is, yes of course because it was ticked by ME!!